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Good ol' message boards

Social media has been rotting for a long time, but the speed of its recent collapse has been quite something. The promise of the internet got off track somewhere along the way, but I think we genuinely had something nice going when there was a bunch of passionate webcomic artists with their own little scrappy websites and phpBB message boards, wholly separate from the whims of any algorithms.

What do you think? If internet forums became more available again, would you post on them? What are some things message boards can do that social media can't?
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Re: Good ol' message boards

I made some legitimately good friends on my message board back in the day. I miss having a dorky little club that broke down every season three episode of Smallville in minute detail while sometimes also telling me they liked my comic.
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Re: Good ol' message boards

Same here with the old Instant Classic forums and I still talk to a fair amount of them.

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