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#75 To Whom it May Concern

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Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2025 1:36 pm

Re: #75 To Whom it May Concern

Are you the one who needs to hear this? I'll give some hints about what the hidden message:

1. It's real words and it does make sense as a sentence. (I always make sure joke-censored text is still real because I don't trust that it'll look natural if I have to fake it.)
2. It was a weird little joke fragment I wrote in my notebook.
3. I will gladly answer Yes or No questions. I will confirm/deny correct/incorrect words.
4. I did not make it with the intent that someone would be able to figure it out, but I did assume some would try or at least be curious, so I didn't want to make it completely obscured.

What does it mean?!

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